

I left school at 16 and went on to be a mental health nurse for 17 years. Mental health struggles coexisted with being on the other side and in the end couldn't be reconciled. I now spend time translating my reality and finding a place of peace amongst the noise.

Realising that nature is one and everything has helped me to learn to want what I already have, creating a sense of contentment in and around me.
I have a curious mind which is open most days.

I gravitate towards collage and paint, translating feelings and experiences and the content from within the corners. Every piece I stick down creates another space in my mind. A feeling of still keeping something but containing it within something other than a busy part of my mind. It creates another way of seeing outside what has been inside.

For me, art is a function of expressing some things deeply personal and enjoying the process of evolving images.

Zoe's work is below. Just click on a image to enlarge.