Hope Project

The Hope Project provides short-term emotional and practical support for men aged 30-64, specifically those who are in psychological distress as a result of their finances, housing or employment. Our aim is to prevent suicide among this high-risk group.

Our experienced support workers work with men across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire over a twelve-week period, and specifically focus on helping men who aren’t currently using mental health services. We know that 62% of all suicides are by people who aren’t known or connected to any services.

We are open for referrals.

If you are a man seeking support, you can email hope.project@nhs.net.

You can also call Second Step reception on 0117 909 6630 and ask for a call back from the Hope Project.

Please be aware, we are not a crisis service. If you need help right now, call call 111 and select option 2 for mental health support.

"Hope saved my life"

We’re delighted to have achieved national recognition with the publication of an independent evaluation into the suicide prevention work we’re doing in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. The report validates the great work we’re doing with middle-aged men, the efficacy of our approach to offer men in crisis both emotional and practical support and the fact we’re saving lives. The results, published in BMC Psychiatry and the Journal of Mental Health, demonstrate the profound effect that Hope had on the men who engaged with it. Read more about the study here.


“The Hope Project was there for me when I needed it. It helped me hugely to know that support was just a phone call away. This service is vital for men experiencing distress and I am so happy to be working on the team now. Life can deal you some really tough challenges but we are here to offer hope and inspiration that things can and will improve.”

Former Hope client Christian now works for the Hope Project himself supporting men in crisis to find a way forward.

Facts and statistics

  • Bristol has a much higher suicide rate than the national average. 70% of suicides in Bristol are carried out by men, and middle-aged men are the highest risk group
  • Debt, austerity and unemployment are estimated to have contributed to 1,000 extra deaths from suicide and an additional 30,000-40,000 suicide attempts between 2008-2010 following the economic downturn. This reversed previous trends in Britain where suicide rates among men were falling
  • 62% of suicides are completed by people unknown to mental health services
  • Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is one of eight national regions allocated funding from a new £25 million national suicide prevention investment by the Department for Health and Social Care, Public Health England (PHE) and NHS England, which aims to reduce the national suicide rate by 10% in three years
  • In England and Wales in 2020, there were 5,224 deaths by suicide (a rate of 10 deaths per 100,000 people). This is a decrease in the rate of deaths registered as suicide in 2019. However this is likely due to delays in death registrations caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and a decrease in male suicide at the start of the pandemic. In 2019, the rate of deaths registered as suicide was 11.2 per 100,000 people, a significant increase that changed a trend of continuous decline since 2013.
  • Overall, men accounted for three-quarters of deaths by suicide in England and Wales in 2020. Males aged 45 to 49 years had the highest age-specific suicide rate.
  • Mental health, emotional wellbeing and suicide are all topics more freely discussed today than ever before. Yet one in five of us will have suicidal thoughts and every 90 minutes someone will end their life.

Services to help you

  • The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call for free any time, from any phone on 116 123 or you can email jo@samaritans.org.
  • Talking Money is a charity that helps people in financial hardship, face-to-face and over the phone. Call for free on 0800 121 4511
  • An online resource you may find helpful is stayingsafe.net

Some useful information

Low Cost Counselling.

Some counselling services offer reduced rates of around £11 to £15 a session to people on benefits. For example in Bristol ACPS and Heart to Heart

Five tips for helping someone in crisis

  • Talk to someone: a friend, a family member, the Samaritans, your GP
  • Find a safe space: somewhere with no stress and good support like The Sanctuary
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and taking drugs
  • Get involved: maybe meet up with a friend or join an exercise group
  • Getting to know yourself: so you can recognise your signs of stress, for example, physical symptoms like palpitations, or drinking more alcohol or withdrawing from life.