Animal encounters

Owl Enlightenment, near Glastonbury, doesn’t just offer the chance to spend time with some majestic birds but also an opportunity to find peace and space in the middle of the Somerset countryside. Stepladder’s digital communications officer, Julie MacDonald, paid the project a visit to find out more.  

‘I really like owls. They are very cute and very interesting. They are so different compared to other birds. It makes me really happy to be with them.’ says Joe, who attends weekly sessions at Owl Enlightenment where he spends time connecting with owls.

With names like Marmite, Twiggy, Duffy and brothers Bubble and Squeak, who all have their own unique characters, it isn’t hard to see why Joe is so captivated by the birds and has become a regular visitor to the project.  

A young man with a small grey owl on his arm
Joe Harris with one of the owls, Bubbles

A special place

This very special place is the brainchild of Michelle Blackmore who established the project two years ago. She was motivated by a walk she took with a man who was struggling with his mental health and how he connected with one of the owls she had brought along for company. 

‘I was introduced to a guy called Shane who had quite a few medical issues and had been bullied his whole life. He didn’t want to go out of the house, but he came for a couple of owl walks with me. One, we were getting some exercise and two, he felt really relaxed and we just talked, and he was able to download his feelings. We did three walks in the end and every time he grew more and more confident and then one day I just gave him the owl and I said any interactions you have with people, it’s your owl. The interactions that came were from people who were very interested in the owl and asking questions. He was answering them and felt really confident with people who respected him and were interested in what he was doing. That was just three sessions, and the outcome was absolutely amazing.’  

Woman and man holding a large owl
Michelle and Stepladder’s Matt Willson with Duffy

Restorative benefits

At its core, the project believes in the restorative benefits of connection both with the owls and nature. Having witnessed first hand the calming effect these encounters can have, including improving confidence, reducing stress and promoting positive feelings, Michelle knew she wanted to offer these benefits to more people. 

Michelle applied for funding from Stepladder’s Winston Innovation Fund, which provides grants to groups, projects and initiatives across Somerset, which aim to improve men’s mental wellbeing. The grant enabled her to move from a much smaller premises to a larger field with better access, where she was also able to open the aviaries to the local community.  

And the plans don’t stop there. Michelle aims to establish a Mental Health Wednesday once a month where men can spend time with the birds and have the chance to talk to professional counsellors, alongside planned work on the site, so that both the animals and visitors can benefit. She says: 

‘Personally, rehabilitating the owls has helped me so much and given me a sense of purpose. If we could give people with mental health issues an opportunity to come and work with the owls, so it is a unique rehabilitation programme not just for the owls but for people, I think that’s a recipe for success.  

Stephen Osborne (known as Ozzie at Owl Enlightenment) is a volunteer and, like Michelle, has found a sense of satisfaction in bringing the project to life.  

‘I’ve always loved owls. I didn’t realise that volunteering here would involve me meeting and helping other people, but I’ve found that helping them has really helped me. It gives me a real feeling of wellbeing and worth. It makes me feel worthwhile and it’s lovely to be helping people that may have problems.’ 

Man in glasses and a cap holding an owl
Ozzie holding one of the rescued owls and Owl Enlightenment

Watching Joe confidently handle different species of owl and see his clear passion for the birds is a testament to all of the hard work Michelle and her team have put into the project and is something, Joe’s Mum, Deborah, will always be grateful for:  

Passion for birds

‘Being given an opportunity to be close with the owls and handling them is an experience he would never have envisaged doing. Joseph has loved owls for as long as I can remember and touching, holding and being part of their life on a Wednesday is extremely special to him.’ 

How can Stepladder help you? 

The Stepladder project has provided funding for numerous initiatives in Somerset through its Winston Innovation Fund, facilitating the establishment and launch of groups like Owl Enlightenment aimed at supporting men’s wellbeing and fostering connections with like-minded individuals. 

Visit our interactive map full of activities across Somerset to get those conversations going with the right people.    

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