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Blogs, opinion pieces, stories and experiences from across Second Step. See below for our most recent campaign & video, our latest news and blog posts, and our 2023 Impact Report.

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Cultivating hope: Looking after mental health in the cost-of-living crisis

22 November 2022

The Hope Project takes a unique approach to mental health support. As well as providing emotional support, we help men manage the practical issues behind their mental health issues, such as debt and unemployment. 

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Why it’s so important to talk about men’s mental health

2 November 2022

It’s the start of November and we need to remember the reason behind ‘Movember’ and the importance of starting and continuing conversations around men’s mental health.

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Somerset unites for suicide prevention

18 October 2022

Jo blogs about her experience at Taunton’s Walk for Life raising awareness of suicide.

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sheet music

Something inside so strong

10 October 2022

To mark World Mental Health Day, we’re delighted to host a guest blog from our Peer Support Officer Kate Thomas. Kate’s courage is self-evident and the hope she gives to so many from sharing her experiences so candidly is clear to see.

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Creating hope through action – World Suicide Prevention Day 2022

9 September 2022

TW: this article talks about suicide.  If you’re thinking about suicide or are struggling to cope, please call the Samaritans…

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Katie’s journey

16 August 2022

Katie tells her story of volunteering at a local radio station.

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