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Blogs, opinion pieces, stories and experiences from across Second Step. See below for our most recent campaign & video, our latest news and blog posts, and our 2023 Impact Report.

Stories and campaigns

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Growling tiger

Life’s Only True Opponent

17 July 2019

Danger has a vulnerable face too

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I didn’t know I could paint.

3 July 2019

Jay’s world fell apart when his partner walked out on him while he slept. They’d been together for five years and he’d saved £10k for their wedding. He was holding down a good job at the time and was what you’d call a ‘functioning addict’

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Milky way

Looking to the STARS…

1 July 2019

Stuart is chair of the new involvement group at Second Step which works with staff to improve the organisation’s services, STAR Improvement. STAR stands for shaping, teaching and responding and Stuart was instrumental in developing this new approach to involvement and coproduction at Second Step. Here Stuart explains why it means so much to him.

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Coffee mugs held by people

#ItsTheLittleThings – Sylvia’s Fund

17 June 2019

Sylvia’s Fund is the brainchild of one of our support workers, Isabella Cross. Wanting to set up a fund that helped people’s mental health in small ways. We campaign for Sylvia’s Fund under #ItsTheLittleThings.

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Seagulls flying over water

No Agenda

11 June 2019

This week’s guest contribution is from our student liaison co-coordinator, Ben Lilford. Under this long-winded title, Ben runs the College’s…

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Volunteering celebration

Volunteering as a gateway

6 June 2019

Volunteering is often talked about as a gateway to paid work. This volunteers week we have Claire our Digital Communications Officer talking about how volunteering helped her into her job.

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