Men agree participating in
sports and exercising benefits
their mental health
According to the latest data, 75% of all suicides are men, highlighting the need for increased awareness and support for mental health in men.
Men agree exercising reduces their anxiety and depression and
increases their self-esteem
"The funding from Stepladder enabled us to buy equipment and willow plants. It helped me set up my own willow weaving workshop at Ark at Egwood and help other men find an activity they enjoy and can socialise at." - Warren
"The class majorly improved my mobility, flexibility and strength. It's the best I've felt in years thanks to this class!" - 'Men on mats' attendee.
(Pilates class for men aged 60+)
"When times are difficult financially and many of the people we reach out to are elderly or on state pensions, somewhere to come and meet people for refreshments would not have been successful without this." - Axe Valley Men's Shed