Posts Tagged ‘Mental Health’

Power to the Pause

In preparation for World Menopause Awareness Month next month our North Somerset Wellbeing Service is once again running its Power to the pause: demystifying the muddle of the menopause course

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Our latest newsletter

three images - selfportra

It’s the creativity that saved me Welcome to the Spring edition of the Second Step newsletter, Hope. This issue’s theme…

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Roadmapping out of lockdown

Image of a woman sitting on concrete overlooking River Avon with Suspension Bridge in the distance.

How do you approach lockdown lifting when you have valid anxiety about being around people? Our digital officer, Claire, talks about how she is looking at a personal roadmap for just this reason.

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The Power of Small

Shirehampton from M5 Avonmouth Bridge taken by Claire Robinson

The last year has tested us all and put us all in the position where we have had to change how we communicate with others, as well as deal with diminishing mental health. This year Time to Talk Day is talking about the ‘power of the small’ and so I wanted to look at what are the small things that have been a lifeline for me in the past year.

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