Posts Tagged ‘Mental Health’
Suicidal thoughts and me
A blog exploring suicidal thoughts and what can be done to help.
Read MoreManaging Anxiety: Understanding Anxiety and Finding Inner Calm
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week (15-21 May). This year, it’s shining a light on anxiety and its impact on our lives. Anxiety isn’t just your everyday worry or stress. It’s that feeling of unease and fear that can take over at any time. We’ve all been there, right? Feeling those butterfly nerves when you’re about to face a big exam or a nerve-wracking job interview. But when anxiety starts interfering with your daily life and overall wellbeing, that’s when it becomes a real challenge.
Read MoreBurnout culture: why it’s time to rethink our approach to stress at work
Our Digital Communications Officer, Alice, shares how a surprise adult ADHD diagnosis changed everything she knew about burnout, and suggests employers need a better approach to preventing workplace stress.
Read MoreHow to create a healthy work-life balance
As part of Stress Awareness Month we decided to speak to some of our teams and find out first-hand how they manage stress at work, and what steps they take to ensure a healthy work-life balance.
Read MoreStress in the workplace
To launch Stress Awareness Month this April, we take a look at stress in the workplace; how to recognise signs you may be stressed and steps you can take to help you cope.
Read MoreHow running helped my mental health
Our men’s mental health Stepladder team in Somerset recently caught up with Andy Meek, a member of our steering group to hear his thoughts on mental health and how running helps.
Read MoreThe role of humour in mental health recovery
Today, senior operations manager Sophie Dumayne gives her thoughts on the importance of humour and honesty when coping with mental…
Read MoreNew mental health hub for Somerset
A new high street Open Mental Health hub opened on Monday 9 January 2023 in Bridgwater. Adults over 18 can…
Read MoreIn defence of goth, punk, metal and misunderstood music
Does our taste in music really say anything about our mental health? Our Second Step colleague and Equalities Champion, Terry,…
Read MoreCrisis Safe Space in the news
The Crisis Safe Space team in Bridgwater got some great press coverage over Christmas – a time when its services were…
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