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The Healing Power of Knitting
We’ve been asking clients from our North Somerset Wellbeing Service to share with us stories about how art and creativity have kept them well during the pandemic.
Heather shares a #WhatMakesMeWell story about the healing power of knitting:
“I find knitting very therapeutic, and when I feel I can't do anything else, I can often do knitting. It is calming. It offers consistency. It insists I pay attention, and gently points out when I've gone wrong. Taking stitches out has become as important as creating them.
My favourite activity is knitting socks. I have knitted several pairs for friends and family over the past few months. It gives me a sense of personal connection to others, a piece of purpose in my day and, although there is a specific outcome, there is no fixed deadline. Sometimes a pair of socks can take ten days. Sometimes two-three months. It doesn't matter. It keeps my mind busy so I don't dwell too much on my problems. And if I can knit a few rows this evening, the likelihood of me getting other tasks done tomorrow is higher.”