
The myth of the LGBTQ+ Community: The Curse of intersectionality 

To conclude LGBT+ History Month, Chay Harwood, a support workers with our High Support Accommodation Service, has written a blog on intersectionality. Chay looks at how the added layers of class and ethnicity affect people within the LGBTQ+ community, which isn’t always as accepting and inclusive as it makes out.

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How bisexual erasure makes it tough to come out

To celebrate LGBT+ History Month, Jemma Stovell, a recovery coach for Step Together, writes about bi erasure (bisexual erasure) – how she has witnessed it in her life and why it makes it difficult to come out.

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How running helped my mental health

Our men’s mental health Stepladder team in Somerset recently caught up with Andy Meek, a member of our steering group to hear his thoughts on mental health and how running helps.

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