
picture of a sunset

Being out of work for the first time ever, because of Covid, Monday’s had started to feel very hard and lonely. I felt like, as an older woman, I was on the scrap heap. Then Poem Brut turned up.  I felt accepted and encouraged in a world of creativity that I had never experienced. Mondays suddenly became much brighter.  I realised that I can unlearn and that there are undiscovered routes I can take. Not sure what they are yet but this process really helped me not sink into deep depression.

Ali and Paul are lovely workshop leaders. There’s something beautiful about being given the opportunity to work creatively with other people (on zoom) but working individually.  It helped me feel much less lonely. The creative silence is a big companion when we’re all making – with a common goal. It became a world of quiet adventure, held and steered by Paul and Ali. I felt safe and allowed to be who I really am.  That’s rare.

I do feel sad it’s stopped.  I would have loved it to go on…and on!

Thanks so much Ali and Paul.  Thank you Ali for your gentle encouragement.  It meant a huge amount.

A poem for Poem Brut

I found myself here

Took a wrong turning

Thinking it was something else

Now I’m here I look around

Searching the waste ground of my home

In unexpected places

I find new landscapes

Where you don’t have to be an artist

I put out old ideas for recycling