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We’re in our new home at Pennywell Road! 

12.06.23 Second Step; Connect Together

After 30 years in Brunswick Square in Bristol, we’re excited to have moved to our new office at 162 Pennywell Road.   

Our new base is just a 10-minute walk away from where we were but offered us the opportunity to build a new environment from scratch, making the most of the new ways of working we brought in following the pandemic.  

Over the last few months, we took on board feedback from our colleagues to ensure the layout works for everyone and is psychologically, adversity and trauma (PAT) informed. We also commissioned an accessibility report from WECIL (West of England Centre for Inclusive Living) and took on their expert recommendations to help us make the new office a welcome space for all.   

“We are delighted to have found an office in Pennywell Road and are really excited about relocating there in 2024,” said Chief Executive Aileen Edwards. “We’ve moved into a more diverse area and will be creating a collaborative workspace for staff, as well as a welcoming place for our clients and partners.”   

We’ll be sharing photos of our new space soon, so look out for updates on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.   

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