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Mindfulness practice sessions

Practise mindfulness anytime, anywhere

We offer a range of recorded mindfulness practice sessions that can be accessed at any time, anywhere, as many times as you like.

Please see our full list of available recordings below. To receive your recording link/s complete our online booking form here (maximum of three on any one booking).

North Somerset Wellbeing Service is open to adults (over 18yrs) who live in North Somerset or are registered with a GP in North Somerset.

Why practise mindfulness?

The world around us can be demanding and at times overwhelming. It's easy to fall out of step with what's going on around us and end up overthinking or stuck 'in our heads'.

Mindfulness is a great technique that can help you have more awareness and control over your thoughts and how they make you feel. Mindfulness can help you:

  • Notice how your thoughts come and go
  • Become more aware of how your body feels
  • Create space between you and your thoughts

There's no right or wrong way to do mindfulness, but it can be helpful to set aside some time regularly to practise. With our mindfulness sessions, you can practise mindfulness at anytime that works for you.

Try our taster mindfulness practice:

How to book

1. Choose your mindfulness practice

Read the descriptions below to find the practice that most suits your needs and make a note of the title.

2. Fill in our online booking form

Select online mindfulness practice from the drop-down menu under question 8 then select up to three sessions.

3. Using your mindfulness links

We will send you links to your selected mindfulness practice sessions by email within a few working days of receiving your online booking form. For first-time bookings you will also receive a link to our Introduction session to get you off to the best possible start.

You are welcome to keep your links forever and use your mindfulness practices whenever and wherever you like.

Mindfulness practice descriptions

Recommended for: Improving Sleep

  • Sleep – best when used regularly (length: 11 minutes and 20 seconds) COMING SOON!

Recommended for: Reducing anxiety and/or stress

  • Mindfulness of food & eating (length: 7 minutes and 21 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Woodland walk (length: 13 minutes and 38 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Yoga Nidra (length: 16 minutes and 59 seconds) COMING SOON!

Recommended for: Relaxation

  • Leaves on a stream (length: 5 minutes and 10 seconds) NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK
  • Healing power of colour (length: 9 minutes and 27 seconds) NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK
  • Floating on a cloud (length: 17 minutes and 3 seconds) NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK
  • Relaxation through our senses (length: 13 minutes and 30 seconds) NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK
  • Warming mindfulness (length: 5 minutes and 7 seconds) COMING SOON!

Recommended for: Calming and slowing thoughts

  • Breathing anchor for a wandering mind (length: 9 minutes and 44 seconds) NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK
  • Object focus (length: 3 minutes and 32 seconds) COMING SOON!

Recommended for: Calming the body

  • Body healing relaxation (length: 14 minutes and 15 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Body scan (length: 13 minutes and 32 seconds) NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK
  • Deep breathing (length: 7 minutes and 52 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Focussed attention on the breath (length: 7 minutes and14 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Quick body scan (length: 7 minutes and 48 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Quick mindful breathing (length: 6 minutes and 22 seconds) COMING SOON!

Recommended for: Positivity

  • Energy of light (length: 7 minutes and 37 seconds) NOW AVAILABLE TO BOOK
  • Forgiveness (length: 12 minutes and 36 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Giving & receiving (length: 5 minutes and 14 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Gratitude (length: 12 minutes and 6 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Loving kindness – ball visualisation (length: 12 minutes and 18 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Manifestation of hearts desire (length: 12 minutes and 12 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Power of positive thinking – best used at the start of your day (length: 5 minutes and 8 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Self- kindness (length: 6 minutes and 16 seconds) COMING SOON!

Recommended for: Grounding when feeling overwhelmed

  • 54321 grounding technique  – use your senses to ground in your surroundings (length: 4 minutes and 22 seconds) COMING SOON!
  • Grounding through body awareness (length: 8 minutes and 18 seconds) COMING SOON!