Wellbeing activities, workshop and courses descriptors

We provide a range of free workshops, courses and group activities which are open to adults (over 18yrs) who live in North Somerset or are registered with a GP in North Somerset. Our sessions are designed to explore, improve and maintain our mental health and wellbeing. You can find the dates of our upcoming wellbeing activities, workshops and courses here.

If you would like to book a place on any of our wellbeing activities, workshops or courses, please complete the booking form found here.

To find out what's going on in  April - June 2025, you can view our current prospectus here.


Managing Anxiety (1.5 hours on-line or 2 hours in-person)

This workshop will look at some of the common causes of anxiety, understand what's happening in our body when we feel anxious and learn some tools and strategies to help us manage our symptoms.

Increasing our Confidence for Wellbeing (1 hour per session*)

Part 1 - Building our Self Esteem

In this first workshop we will explore what affects our levels of self-esteem and how it can affect our daily life. It will include looking at different tools you can use to improve the way we view ourselves and build our confidence.

Part 2 - Becoming More Assertive

The aim of the second workshop is to understand how we communicate assertively and effectively to improve our confidence. Through developing new skills, we can feel more comfortable when being assertive and improve our active listening. The workshop will also help you to become more aware of how you communicate and understand other people by finding ways to express thoughts and feelings honestly and respectfully.

Coping with Low Mood (1.5 hours on-line or 2 hours in-person*)

In this workshop we will look at what happens to us when we have low mood/ depression, the cycle of low mood and some tools and strategies to help manage low mood/depression.

Understanding Stress (1 hour on-line or 1.5 hours in-person*)

During this workshop we will look at: the causes and impact of stress on our lives, how to prevent and manage stress, learn and practice techniques to manage our stress levels.

Improving Sleep (1 hour on-line or 1.5 hours in-person*)

This workshop will cover the different types of sleep problems we can experience, how thinking affects our sleep, myths and facts about sleep and sleep hygiene tips.

Introduction to Mindfulness (1 hour on-line or 1.5 hours in-person*)

This workshop will explore 'what is Mindfulness' and how it may improve our mental wellbeing and build resilience. We will also learn and practice a variety of mindfulness techniques.

Understanding the Menopause (2 hours on-line or in-person*)

1st half: The physical & Psychological Effects

The first half of the workshop will be covering all the ways in which the menopause affects your health, the different stages of menopause and the treatments available to you. Following a short refreshment break ..

2nd half: Support and Relationships

The second half will cover how to get help during the menopause, from your doctor through to friends and family. We will also talk about menopause in the workplace and your rights.

Food & Mood - (1 hours on-line*)

This stand-alone session looks at how we can improve our mental wellbeing through
diet and nutrition. We will also focus on the importance of a balanced diet as well as
what foods can help us to ‘feel good’ naturally.


Wellbeing for Carers: Looking After Yourself (6 sessions 2 hours each in-person)

Week 1 - thoughts, feelings and challenges

Week 2 - Identity and coping with change

Week 3 - Compassion fatigue and burnout

Week 4 - Establishing and maintaining boundaries in the caring role

Week 5 - Self care for carers

Week 6 - Navigating the system

Mindful Movement (4 sessions 1 hour each session in-person)

Reconnect with your body through gentle movement in this four-week course. We will use mindful and grounding techniques to develop our 'tuning in' skills, before exploring making our own movement in line with what our bodies need. We will also reflect as a group, giving time to voice our thoughts and ideas. All bodies and abilities are welcome and encouraged, even if you've never done anything similar before!

Week 1 - Retune

Week 2 - Flow

Week 3 - Create

Week 4 - Combine

ADHD - Minds of all Kinds (5 sessions 1.5 hours each session in-person)

All adults with (or curious about) ADHD/ADD whether diagnosed or not, are welcome! In this five-week course, we explore various aspects of ADHD/ADD including the effects on the body, brain, emotions and behaviours. Each week, we introduce practical tools and practice techniques to foster empowerment. Our goal is to focus holistically on strengthening resources to better navigate and support ADHD/ADD in day to day life.

Week 1 - Neurodiversity

Week 2 - ADHD

Week 3 - Self support strategies part 1

Week 4 - Self support strategies part 2

Week 5 - Navigating the system

Managing Anxiety ( 4 sessions 2 hours each session in-person)

Anxiety is present in us all, however sometimes our anxiety can feel out of control and we may struggle to do day to day things. In this four-week course we explore different aspects of anxiety, from how anxiety affects our body, to the impact our thoughts have on our feelings and actions. Each week we identify tools and strategies to help gain a sense of empowerment and practise different techniques to create a sense of calm. Throughout the course we aim to build our internal and external resources to manage our anxiety better.

Week 1 -

Week 2 -

Week 3 -

Week 4 -

Forest Therapy for Wellbeing ( 4 sessions 1.5 hours each session in-person)

Join us for a four-week introductory course in Forest Therapy. Forest Therapy originates in Japan, where it is known as Shinrin-Yoku. It is a mindful, relaxing way to reconnect with nature through all of our senses with many benefits for mental and physical health. Each week we will begin with a guided meditation before trying out different activities which will help you connect to the natural world, relax and unwind.

Week 1 - Explore

Week 2 - Wonder

Week 3 - Play

Week 4 - Reflect

Understanding & Managing Emotional Intensity (each module online 1.5 hours)

Our course runs as individual modules where you can pick and choose the sessions most relevant to you! You are free to select as many of the modules as you like! Below is a short description of each to get you started.

Emotional Intensity Module - Recognising and naming emotions - Identifying triggers and responses.

Emotional Intensity Module part 1- Emotion regulation skills. Learning skills to help decrease the intensity of unpleasant emotions and modifying how we respond to our emotions.​

Emotional Intensity Module part 2- Emotion regulation skills. Learning skills to help decrease the intensity of unpleasant emotions and modifying how we respond to our emotions.​

Emotional Intensity Module - Understanding unhealthy coping behaviours. Helping to recognize unhealthy coping behaviours and explore alternatives.

Emotional Intensity Module 4 (part one) Distress Tolerance - Skills to effectively work through a period of crisis or distress.​

Emotional Intensity Module 4 (part two) Distress Tolerance Skills 

Emotional Intensity Module - Boundaries

Emotional Intensity Module -Relationships Identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships, saying 'no', getting your needs met and interpersonal effectiveness skills.

Rediscovering a Healthy Relationship with Food (3 x modules - 1 hour each online*)

This course looks at the importance of a balanced diet and a regular eating pattern in improving and maintaining both mental and physical wellbeing. The course will also focus on how disordered eating may develop as a coping mechanism and focuses on a range of skills that may help us to invoke change. We will also explore the ideas of both mindful and intuitive eating and steps we can take to improve our overall relationship with food.

Understanding and Managing Anger (4 x modules - 1 hour each online*)

This course will focus on understanding and managing our anger and outbursts. The
course will look at triggers, and the physical and emotional signs that occur when you
begin to experience anger. The course will also explore coping strategies and skills aimed at helping you to manage and reduce feelings of anger both in the short-term and long-term.

Men's Wellbeing ( 3 sessions,2 hours each session in-person)

This 3 week course is provided by Beyond Equality, is open to anyone who identifies as male and covers the following:

Week 1 - Men & mental wellbeing

Week 2 - Masculinities & seeking support

Week 3 - Building supportive relationships

Wellbeing Activities

WELLBEING SPACE (1 1/4 hours in-person, weekly).

Provides an opportunity to come together to share ideas and experiences in a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment. The topics are decided by the group creating a wide and varied range of discussions and activities. Each session ends with a mindfulness practice.

MINDFUL ARTS & CRAFTS (1 hour in-person, runs weekly).

This group focuses on creativity to support our wellbeing.

CREATIVITY FOR WELLBEING (1.5 hours, in-person, runs weekly).

This group is an extended version of our Mindful Arts & Craft sessions  giving not only more time, but more opportunity to get creative and broaden the activities we can offer. All ideas and levels of creativity welcome. Each session will end with a relaxing 10 minute mindfulness practice.

WRITING FOR WELLBEING (1.5 hours, zoom, runs weekly).

This is a group of people who come together to share words they've written (i.e. a poem, short story) which expresses their feelings/experiences on any given topic. The group also chooses topics together where they can express themselves and have fun with words. You only share your writing with the group if you feel comfortable to do so.

WELLBEING WALKS (I hour, meeting point given on booking, runs monthly).

Walking is not only good for our physical health, but also our mental health, as it helps us to get out, connect with nature and also provide an opportunity to explore new places and meet people. Each walk will be held at a different location and will be suitable for any ability.

WELLBEING CAFE (I hour in-person, runs monthly)

Following our walks there will be the opportunity to have refreshments in a local café. You are welcome to attend either the Walk or the Café or both.

CARER'S WELLBEING CAFE (I hour in-person, runs monthly)

Our Carers Café sessions are aimed at Adult Carers (18yrs and over) who care for individuals over 18yrs and living in the North Somerset area. This will be a relaxed space where you can enjoy the company and conversation of other carers who are in a similar situation, as well as share experiences and advice to support your wellbeing, within a regular café setting.


We are pleased to offer our new drop-in group, in partnership with Mind Somerset. No need to book - just turn up! Join us in a welcoming and safe space to socialise with others that may be in a similar situation, be involved in fun activities or access guidance, reassurance and support.